1 Week post op, am I normal?
I had open RNY on June 15, surgery and hospital stay went fine. I was weened off my epideral throughout the night so the morning that I was going home I woke with pain for the first time. I was sent home on liquid percacet which I only took twice than switched to tylenol. My question is, it is still difficult to move alot without a tugging sensation from inside, sleeping on my side is out of the question. Never having any type of surgery before and realizing how my insides have been reconstructed should I be feeling a tugging sensation? I've heard some people 1 week post op are very active and I probally shouldn't compare myself to them but on the other hand want to know if this is normal?
Hi Terri
Just to let you know that what you are feeling is very "normal". When I first got home, sleeping in my bed was out of the question, because the pulling feeling. I slept in my lazy boy for two weeks until I got the staples out. After that I slept in my bed. I also sleep on my side. It took a while to get used to it.
Every day gets better - Hang in there...
Very VERY normal!
It took me a while to be able to sleep on my side and when I did I had a pillow propping my belly up so it would not hang, that helped a lot.
I always slept in my bed but had everything in the house that could prop me up in the bed also.
Things will get better quickly, remember the 1st week is always the hardest.
When they took the epi out of me (it wasnt working) they put me on pain pills. I wonder why they give it liquid now.
Did you get to eat before you came home or are you on a liquid diet?
Glad to see you are doing so well, please keep us updated.
Good luck!

Thank you everyone!!!! You don't know how relieved I am to hear that I'm normal!! (somewhat)
In the hospital on my last day I tried jello, cottage cheese and scrambled egg. Nothing tasted to good though so I preaty much was and still am on a liquid diet. Last 2 days I've ventured into yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese and would like to try each day to eat a little more. The liquid consumtion has been not quite to where it should be, I feel like I'm drinking all the time and yet not drinking enough. I'm eating sugar free popsicles in between trying to increase liquids. Overall I think things are going well. I go Monday to have my staples out
a little nervous about that. I am looking forward to being weighed though, much to my surprise on the day of the surgery when I was weighed I had lost 35lbs. since I started this journey. Thanks again for all the support and the words of encouragement.

Hi Terri,
First, congratulations...you're on your way! That tugging stuff is such an unusual feeling, isn't it?
Don't worry one bit about getting the staples out. I had open surgery and was worried about it. It doesn't hurt. On most of them, I felt nothing. The worst one was a tiny pinch, less painful than having a shot. It's a breeze and very fast, too.
Keep up the good work and best wishes!
I had Lap RNY, but still couldn't lay down to sleep. I took over my hubbies recliner for about 3 weeks. It was much more comfortable to sleep on. With the gases inside and the internal plumbing change, it takes awhile before you start feeling normal enough to lay down.
Hang in there, your are normal and the feelings will pass.
Cindy K.