Hi There!!!!
How is everyone doing???? I hope all is well...Sorry I haven't posted lately....But I have some great news!!!! Dr Aslam has put in to have my first skin removal surgery....He wants to get rid of my "apron"....He's very concerned about how low my stomach hangs and has requested to the insurance(mainecare) to have it removed...He took pictures and hope it comes through...He said about 40lbs would be removed.....I was very surprised about all of this...I had my surgery in February and I am down 70lbs....I thought I was down 80lbs but I was wrong.....Anyway 70lbs is still good....I try to walk as much as I can handle but sometimes it gets to be too much....I am back to work and that's going ok....Anyway my other thing that is going on is I have an ulcer...That really scares me....Hopefully it will go away with some medicine...But all is well...Kids are good and I am very happy witn the way things are going now...I've looked at pics of all of you and you guys look so beautiful...Keep up the good work and before we all know it we will be the biggest losers in the whole world!!!! See ya'll soon...Helen K.
P.S. I've gone down a size...from 30-32 to 26-28 YEAHHHHH