Hi Theresa:
I read your profile, I love the way you have it set up, beautiful! I'm glad to hear that your are improving yourself from the inside and out, mentally and physically. You are such a valuable person that we all enjoy hearing from, your open honesty makes you a treasure. Okay, enough praise for now

I keyed on an area you mentioned about friends and people that know you and how they voiced that you were getting too small. I have had my friends, people I've known for 30+ years tell me the same thing.

"geees, you aren't going to loose any more are you?" "don't you think you've lost enough?" It was almost as if they went from concern from the obesity to thinking I was anorexic. I couldn't understand that they couldn't see how much healthier I am. Come on, I no longer walk with a cane, I'm actually walking long distances and running! Things I couldn't do before hand. But, they've been there during the changes and they don't recognize the changes until I point them out, then it's "oh yeah! I remember that!"
I now just smile at them and let them know that I am doing everything I am supposed to do. That I feel terrific and they have nothing to worry about. I even encourage them to ask the questions that they have in the backs of their minds. Some of those questions are real winners! A bit too personal for this site, but, like I said they are from friends that I've known for years (women's questions

...not men's).
Time for me to get things together for the American Legion Bean Supper this afternoon. Keep up the great work Theresa!
Cindy K.