I seem to be snacking A LOT lately. Is this common after 4 months. I am still losing weight, thank God.
It's not bad foods that I'm snacking on... watermellon, strawberries, sugar free popcycles, sugar free chocolates, nuts, sunflower seeds, sugar free drinks etc. You know the good for you foods.
Part of the problem is Stress at work and some what my love life. I have a lady friend that is 50 miles away and I'd like to see her more.
If I can't find someone to talk to while at work, I'm self employed fly tyer. I like to call and talk on the phone, but if no ones home, I snack.
Sometimes I go outside for a walk, or work in my garden, use the rototiller, plant things, feed my chickens, etc. But I still need to make a pay check.
What do you do to keep from snacking?

Hi Cindy
Well that lady friend is out of the picture now. She isn't ready for a relationship now. Our fat covers up a lot of emotional issues. ALL compulsive habitual problems are a cover up of much deeper problems of abuse. In Church yesterday some of my anger about my abuse was crawling to the surface. I used to be able to stuff those feelings with food, now I see a therapist and hopefully I'll learn to deal with and allow God to wash those hurt feelings away. Love you Cindy.
Thanks for your support and encouragement. Remind your hubby he has a special woman.
I am so happy you have reached out for help. I was beginning to worry back when you had made a post about a low-carb ice cream but it had 10g fat per serving- not good.
Anyway, I think Lynn would say that at 4 months snacking is not needed. I could be wrong but I think I know her pretty well on that question.
So this is what you should do, ask yourself these questions when you want a snack:
1. When did I eat last?
If it was a long time ago it (say 5 hours) it could just be meal time. If your body is telling you it is time to eat that is different than head hunger.
2. What did I eat last?
If you're stuck in a soft protein rut you are most likely going to be hungry sooner. You really should be eating regular proteins like chicken, pork, fish, beef etc. Not just string cheese and yogurt. It passes through too fast. You should have also had some fruit or veg or both. Limit starches like rice etc.
3. Have I been drinking to close to meals? Have I been drinking with meals?
At the last Friday meeting I remember Lynn one of the number one culprits of hunger is drinking to close to or with meals. You just shouldn't do it at all. A teenie tiny sip is ok if something is really stuck. BUT that is rare.
4. Have I been getting adequate fluids?
Often people will think they are hungry when they are acutally dehydrated. You need to be drinking in the range of eight 8oz glasses a day. Milk has some solids so don't count all of those drinks as the full 80z.
5. Is this my head saying I am hungry?
Sometimes when we have certain feelings, like being sad, angry etc we turn to our old buddy food. Of if we're bored, lonely, watching a movie etc. Avoiding and working through those things can be hard but needed. If you're having a rough time contact Lynn's office and ask about Lianne Giambolvo. She helps post ops with that stuff.
So Ron, I would cut out the actual foods, healthy or not. You are really setting yourself up for a fall here. Starting a snacking habit for the wrong reasons may follow you forever and really hinder your weight loss. I know this isn't what you want to hear but it's the truth. If you are adding calories now, in the "honeymoon period"- still losing weight while cheating around the edges you will find a slower weight loss and possible trouble losing once you reach the point where your window of opportunity is closing.
I would also reccomend drinking milk more often. Have a glass or two between meals. Just good ole skim milk can do the trick. pretty low cal, has protein, vitamins etc. If you start to want to snack grab a drink (tea, milk, whatever) first, still stop drinking 30 mins before meals and not during then not for 30 mins after. I know you know all this but sometimes it helps to hear it.
Right now you are at a crossroads. I can help you with meal ideas or support if you'd like. I hope you don't take this post as *****y. I am just trying to give you some advice I often hear Lynn say at meetings.
Goodluck Ron,
Both you and Cindy have reached your goal and are looking great I must say. Thanks for your time and responces.
For one, I do not drink after meals, I learned THAT one the hard way a few times.
2. I do have a yogurt, "Blue Bunny - Carb Freedom" for breakfast at 6 to 7 am with my vitamins. So that would explain my hunger at 9 to 10 am. It's enough at the time but doesn't leave enough room for a real meal. So at 10 I have 3-4 1/2 mouths of peanuts, sunflower seeds and cashews. I do have a water or low cal lemonade or cranberry juice at least 1/2 hour or more after breakfast. Then go back to drinks after my morning snack and again after lunch.
I think you are right about my milk though as Dayna told me at 6 weeks to drink more milk than I was getting. Thanks for the reminder.
PS I stoped in to see cousin Kent Saturday night. He looks good but says his energy is sapped. He could use our prayers for strength and energy.