Heather L.
on 6/7/04 12:56 pm - Limerick, ME
on 6/7/04 12:56 pm - Limerick, ME
I am 2 weeks out from my surgery and I am having a hard time with this ffeeling ....where my esophigus meets my stomach. It feels like something is stuck there and I have acid reflux. It's difficult to find something to eat that will not feel painful. Did anyone have this... will it go away? I have my post op on Weds. I am burping all the time to get the air out of my stomach too. Is this supposed to like this? I can only eat a few Tablespoons of food.
hiya i am 3 months out tomorrow and i had trouble with things feeling good going down in the first month sometimes. A few tablesoons is normal the first couple weeks but i increased soon after that. The burping is normal and farting is to side effects haha. I had trouble in the begining knowing between a burpand thinking somehing did not settle and it might be coming back up. This has now past for me but this is me everyone is different. Hoped i helped ya a little.

Heather L.
on 6/8/04 4:20 am - Limerick, ME
on 6/8/04 4:20 am - Limerick, ME
Hi....Heather here....
I decided to sip tiny amounts of maalox liquide antacid last night. It helped immediately. I have to see my surgeon tomorrow for the post op and I'm going to tell him. I feel a lot better today and I'm still taking tiny sips of Maalox.
Also I had a fever of 102.3 last Sat and called the Dr immediately. He has me on Cipro, an antibiotic. My fever went away the next day.
So taking my usual pills, the tylenol and the cipro has been filling my pouch and causing irritation.
I can't seem to get my mind around the fact that 2 tablespoons is the limit in the pouch right now. I'm doing it though. I have Tons to learn.
Thanks for the info.
Heather: I am now 27 weeks out. You know, I don't remember a lot of my first 2 weeks out. I was miserable for a while after the surgery and questioned what I did to myself. I just had a tough time adjusting to all the changes. I did not have acid reflux after--but 4 years of hell with it before the surgery. Our new stomach is very sensitive right now and I suspect some of this is normal. Like, Casey, a call to your MD might be in order because of the acid reflux. Is it that or is it irration. It is normal to only be able to eat a lilttle food. I was glad that I was on the "Toder" diet of only taking in liquids the first two weeks, then gradually adding in soft foods before I graduted to normal foods. I think only doing liquids for those first two weeks allowed my pouch to really heal. Once I was able to add soft foods, like scrambled eggs, it was still slow going--but I gradaully learned how to take care of myself. This is a new world for you. But never go too long with pain--always call the surgeon to ask questions. Hang in there, it will get better.