I have almost all my appts done
Hi all I am updating you on what I have been doing. I have had the full pulminary work up, I have seen the nutritionist and I have seen the pulminologist who has given me the ok for surgery as far as that my organs work very well and shouldn't cause any complications during surgery. I have to see the psychologist on the seventeenth and then hopefully will get my appt with the surgeon then it should be smooth sailing from there. I feel things getting closer and am very excited
one last thing that I need to do is quit smoking and then I will have completely done everything and accomplished a huge goal if I quit. I ask for you support and prayers as I try to defete this addiction.
Thanks all
Candice Ylonen

I too had to quit smoking before surgery--and I actually dreaded it because I had quit smoking so many times before, only to start up again. Wanting to have surgery is a huge motivator, at least it was for me. I quit cold turkey and I never really had any cravings--which for me was completely amazing. St. Patrick's Day marked my 1 year anniversary of being "smoke-free" and I haven't looked back and I feel so much better now. It may not be an easy task, but in the end it is very rewarding. You will be in my thoughts and prayers!