EMMC updates...
Ok here's a couple things that happened at the meeting last night I thought I could share...
1. Shannon Lynne...her passing is something of a mystery. Of course this story was better told by Dr. Toder but I would love to stop some of the rumors if any flying around on here.
Her surgery was flawless...the usual time spent in the hospital. Went home feeling fine. She had the average couple of days home (we know how we felt those first couple days). Then she called the office ONCE (there was a rumor she has called MANY times- not true) saying she felt bad. She went in. A leak was discovered (we know that is a big possibilty with surgery, it could happen to anyone). The leak was sewn, she was started in recovery and then deteriorated. She then passed. There was an autopsy done, of course, not showing any real reason for this happening. It was not sloppy work by Dr. Clough, it was not sloppy work of others in her care. The program is devastated, as Toder said Clough is crushed. This is a fact of this surgery, any surgery. As Toder said, bad things happen to good people. And as we all know in researching this- people do die, people do have complications, people do get through fine. Everyone is different. Some people believe in fate, others believe that when it's your time you go, others think they are in control of all things in the life. Sometimes we just have to take what has happened and learn from it by either using it as an excuse to opt out of taking care of our own health OR being productive with it. It's up to you what you want to do with this information. But the rumors are really quite unnecessary.
2. Dayna had her baby, which some of us already knew...they are well. With the baby coming early Lynn will be doing the Wednesday meetings as well as Fridays. She also may be doing the Saturday this month if Rosie isn't up to it- she had a hip replacement recently.
3. Starting in September there will be a post-ops ONLY meeting. This means just you- no spouse, friend etc. It will be held the 4th MONDAY of the month at the HealthCare Mall on Union St. (Where we see Dayna) The time is: 4-5 pm. You must call to register as there is only room for 20 people. Also, Lynn will not continue it IF the numbers dwindle at the regular meetings. This is to be a supplemental meeting for post ops who want a more intimate setting- since the regular groups are getting so big. So anyone who wants to or can make it please do so. It will be a nice addition to our already terrific support system through EMMC.
A side note as well- Lynn is asking if anyone would be interested in doing a sort of "grocery store tour" where they could get small groups together to go to the Hannaford on Union and do some label reading, food research etc. It sounds like a great chance for pre-ops and post-ops to get food ideas, meal ideas and learn how to read labels for our use.
Lynn's number is 973-6383- to register for the new MONDAY meetings, and about the grocery thing.
4.Next Wednesday (the 9th)...Liane Giambolvo will be there for the first part of the meeting. She had come before once. She works in the same office as Lynn and Dayna. She is a licensed councelor and dietitian.
5. The meeting was nice, so happy to meet Kris and Suzanne finally! Although I totally recognize you two! It's great to put the names and faces together!
I should run, it looks like it's going to be a beautiful day and some of my family is visiting...
Have a great weekend!

Dear Casey,
Wow, Casey!!! You did such a great job recapping last night's meeting. You should consider working for the newspaper or something. I know I would not have done such a good job at recapping the meeting. It was nice to meet you and put faces to names as well and I get so encouraged when I go to the meeting. I plan on going to next Wednesday's meeting. It really helps keep me encouraged.
Just a note on Shannon Lynn and Dr. Toder. It was very courageous for Dr. Toder to come in and explain everything. She was so sincere and I give her a lot of credit for taking the time and being honest.
I lost a 22 year old daughter 3 years ago. She died of a cardiac arrest caused by something really flukey that rarely happens. It fact most people get to catch it before it is too late. The cardiac arrest was caused by Seratonin Syndrome. Her levels of seratonin were too high. It could have been prevented by just changing her antidepressants or lowing the dose. Her doctor did not deliberately cause this. We could have had grounds to sue but that would not have brought her back. Things happen and it is very painful when someone dies especially for unneccessary reasons or unexplained reasons. When someone has cancer and they die, it is hard but you also have time to get ready for the death. When a person dies suddenly and unexpectedly, people out of their pain try to put the blame on someone because they feel it will make the pain better. When we begin the journey of weight loss surgery, we all know the incredible risks that can come from this surgery. It hits us harder when we see someone on our own community experiencing these risks. When I was in the hospital after my surgery, I know what an incredible team of nurses and technicians are on the 3rd floor and I know that Dr. Toder was wonderful to me and very competent and I have heard the same things about Dr. Clough. The team also includes Lynn, Dana, and Amanda etc. who you all know care very much for all of us. We as a community of people are part of this team as post-ops and those who are awaiting surgery. We should all be supportive of each other during these tough times and keep positive, put a stop to the rumors and continue on. Losing a child or anyone is never easy and the pain will never go away. But somehow, by the grace of God, you slowly learn to go on and help other people who may go through some of the same things you may have gone through. Without the support of the people in our lives, we would find it impossible to get through anything. I am sorry if I rattled on so long but I felt it was important for me to advocate for this program. Things happen to people and these things are part of the complexity of our humanity. Hope this helps someone who is struggling with what happened. Suzanne C.
To whom it may concern,
For interested patients Please take notice!!!
My name is Kyra, I had surgery Sept 2, 2003. I had Clough as my surgeon. I glorified Dr. Clough and the EMMC staff. I encouraged my best friend Shannon Lynne who was also battling obesity. To make her life more productive Shannon and I rejoiced over her surgery date due to the fact that it was right after she had graduated with her Bachelors degree May 8th.
Tuesday ... Day of Surgery May 11th 2004... I was there when she woke up from surgery. As post opt patients wake up grogey she was glad to see my face. Later on that afternoon Shannon and I walked laps around the nurses station.
I stopped in to see Shannon and spent hours with her and she was doing as well as expected. We had another five laps for the day. Everything seemed ok.
I stoped to see Shannon on my lunch break. She was having a bad day. She was complaining of more pain which did not make sense because her meds had been the same.
I stopped to see Shannon on my lunch break. She was feeling worse than the day before could not sleep even though her pain meds had been maxed.
Shannon came to my home to spent a few days recooping. She could get not get comfortable in any sitiuation such as; bed, recliner, couch, and or chair. Her pain was a mix between intolorable, and excrusheating.
Shannon decided to try and get comfortable at home. She could not get comfortable at home. Called Dr. Clough's office and they told her in not so many words to toughin up and that surgery is not a easy or painless process and that it was probally just gas.
Shannon was home on her couch. And had been complaining for the past two days of severe back pain and she called me in the morning, and also called Dr. cloughs office as well. She begged me to come over and rub her back. I went over around noon time sat with my best friend for the last time and rubbed her back like she always liked. She felt better for a few moments, I left her thinking she was feeling better. Unbeknowest to me, That would be the last time I spoke with her.
2 o 'clock Shannon was rushed to the emergency room at Emmc. They did an emergency surgery. The surgeon removed 6 liters of bile from her body. Fixed her staples and acted like they patched her up all well. A few hours later Shannon had one of two heartatches then shortly the second. The Doctors decided to induce acoma and that was the last time she spoke. My best friend never woke her body was treated like garbage and ripped to pieces.
So you people who think Dr. Clough is a hero keep believeing it until your best friend is butchered. So please excuse me if I no longer belong to Dr. Clough's fan club. Shannon Lynne was a perfectly beautiful healthy "fat girl" no history of health problems. Yet a flawless surgery and shes dead. And those of you who think that Shannon did not follow the rules and do exactly what she was supposed to, can "think again".
So again to all the people intersted in surgery take a gamble flip a coin to see if you will wake up.
While I appreciate your story and experience I can't help but feel like you are attacking us.
No one said she did anything wrong.
No one said she didn't follow rules.
No one said Dr. Clough is a hero.
I know you are emotional right now, that is ok. Letting us know your story is great. We want to be supportive to anyone who comes on here.
I just don't know what you indend by this post.
I also had no history of health issues other than my being morbidly obese. Yet I wanted this surgery. I knew the risks. I could have died, I could have had a complication. We ALL know this going in. If not, we weren't listening.
The coin is 100 sided not just 2.
I would like an explaination about your saying "My best friend never woke her body was treated like garbage and ripped to pieces." What does that mean?
I am so sorry for your loss of a friend, her husbands loss, her children, parents, everyone. I know you all are just at the beginning of the healing process but I would think some kind of couseling would be beneficial.
I am so sorry that Shannon, her family and you have had such a horrible time with this. I am especially sorry for Shannon. She was so young and had so much more living to do.
Thank you so much for your kindness in letting us know the truth. Your post has really made me rethink this entire ordeal. I have not yet had surgery and may not.
It took a lot for you to post what really happened. It took a lot of caring on your part, caring about others. In doing this, Shannon did not die for nothing. In this way, through you, her death may save others.
Thank you Kyra and thank you Shannon.
First let me say that I was a Friend of Shannon's and she was a awesome person, she loved her family and her friends so much. You on the other didn't know her, for you to say that her death was unexpected and that things went wrong not because of what the Dr. did is unexceptable. Dr. Clough did do something wrong wether you want to believe it or not. I don't care, there is nothing you can say that will change the minds of her family and friends. We have heard so much negative things about him since her death, that if we would have heard them before she most certainely would have not had the surgery done. You obviously know nothing about this to be even commenting. All I can say is God Bless all you out there who have had a successfull surgery, because Shannon was not one of the lucky one's. She did do everything right and she did call the Dr. more than once not to mention that fact that things were not checked fully when she left the hospital, this is a woman who was in extreme pain even before she left the hospital, but her pain was plown off as if it was nothing to worry about. Everyone else out there looking for this surgery should most definitly find another Doctor. Of course there are risks with any surgery, but Shannon was not in any high risk with anything. I feel that this surgery should not be performed at all unless the Dr. is willing to take his/her time. Shannon's death was not because of something she did, and it definitley was not something that she did to herself, she took all the procautions after surgery that was expected, which any mother of 5 would do. I Know you think this is a site for positive information, but you need to be realistic, people die and sometimes the Doctors are at fault.
I know you are upset, as other who were close to her yet I wonder if you read my original post??? I was only relaying what Dr Toder said at the support group meeting Friday.
I'm sorry but I don't understand why you are saying I think that Dr Clough didn't do anything wrong. I never said anything about who did or didn't do anything wrong.
Yet, once again...we are told the possible outcomes. Who's "fault" it is really isn't the point.