Plateau is finally broken!!!
Hey guys,
After being post op for 6 weeks I hit my first plateau at 44 lbs. I think I wanted to choke somebody maybe once or twice, lol. Finally, this being my 8 weeks post op, I hopped on the scale and was down to 51 lbs lost. Woohoo!!! I have been exercising my, almost but not even close to being small, butt off. I figure this probably had to do with the weight staying at 44 lbs for 2 weeks. I am actually starting to feel some little muscles and let me put a stress on little. I am also down to one chin and not three. Life is good for me right now. Hopefully my post will be an inspiration to you pre ops because before I had the surgery you posts were my inspiration and for that I can't thank you enough. God bless you all.
Your friend,
Sharon J