Need some advice!
I had my surgery 4 weeks ago today. Before I had the surgery, I had registered to take two courses over a two week period in Windham because I am working on my degree. I knew that I would not lose my deposit if I found out if I could not go if I had complications from the surgery. Well, everything has gone very well except for the fatigue which is expected. I need to make a decision this week as to whether I drop out or not. If I were to go now I would not be able to survive because I am so tired all the time. But I am going on the 21st of June which is 3 weeks away. I'm okay if I drop out of the classes if this is not a wise thing to do. I can always go next summer to meet my required summer session. I want to do what is best for me and the success of my WLS. Will I possibly have considerably more energy 3 weeks from now or am I setting myself up for trouble! Thanks. Suzanne C.
This may not be what you want to hear but...personally I would drop the courses now and do it next summer. You might still be pooped out all the time and it would only make for a bad situation. Driving while sleepy is dangerous, and trying to recover and get things on track should be priority at this time. It is possible you will get your energy back quickly but it's not something to count on, everyone is different.
I wish you luck!
Also having more free time will give you the chance to exercise more. 

Dear Casey,
Thanks for the advice. I really trust all of you who are veterans in this whole WLS and I don't want to blow my best chance at success. You are probably right. It will be too hard to do the courses, staying away from home, driving to school, taking care of my food intake and most of all, exercising and resting when I am pooped. Guess I'll call my advisor today. Thanks for the help.
Hi Suzanne,
Like Casey said everyone is different. I was able to go back to work after having open RNY in 4 weeks. I'm not saying that after the end of the day I wasn't pooped but I felt that being at work I was at least up and moving. Orland to Windam isn't that quite a commute? I also know how important to you you're classes are. I completed my degree early by doing summer courses as well. I also had Dr. Toder and I would talk to her about it at your 6 week visit. Maybe you are deficient in something thus causing all the fatique. I found that she was a great motivator. Talk to her and then make your decision. Good luck.
Sharon J