Ron's update
Hey Yah
I now weigh 310, yippie!! It's been 4 months since my operation. I feel great most of the time, how ever trying new proteins is still a problem. Yesterday I tried a pork rib that I bought all cooked. I ate only the dryer lean meat and chewed thoroughly and for the first 1/2 hour was fine then I ate 2 bites of watermellon and only sucked the juice out and didn't eat the pulp. I was gaging for an hour afterwards. I guess it was the liquid on top of the solid that made me sick.
Earlier in the morning I ate a piece of beef jerky that didn't give me any problem because I didn't try to drink or have a liquid afterwards.
My Pastor and I went fishing in Willimantic and landed 3 salmon 2 of which are ready for the barbeque some time soon. Click here for some pictures.
I am still VERY happy with the surgery and results. I'm not weak like I was earlier, most of that was like you girls said, lack of fiber and veggies.
Thank you Cindy, I went to Wal-mart yesterday and bought a digital weigh scale that goes up to 330 pounds. I wish I had looked for it 2 months ago.
I find I am losing about 10 pounds a month now, it that what you gils have found as well?
Love & hugs
Heya Ron,
Good to see you here with good news! It must be great to have such an interesting hobby. I need a hobby!
10 lbs a month sounds good to me, does it feel good to you? I remember there being a chart in the binder they give you that showed an estimated amount to expect based on your beginning weigh and lenght post-op. Do you have that still? It might give you an idea of where you are at compared to the average...
You're doing great! Keep up eating right and execising and you'll be on your way out of the "obese" category before you know it!
See you at a meeting sometime!