Be sure not to wait longer then a week or so for the psycologist to call you. I was never called for over a month, then finally called Lynn, she said they should have called me right after I had gotten my appointments from her.
All was good though, they fit me in within a couple weeks.
Good luck, your journey is about to take off!!!

I went to one in Waterville, he was very laid back and I enjoyed meeting with him.
I answered all the questions on the hour long test very truthfully and tried to answer his questions the same way. I found it amusing that he felt I was not depressed at all ( i have had mild to medium depression for quite a while) I had to point out to him that of course I was not depressed, my meds were working.
He liked that one.
I would try to be honest but never offer more then you are asked. Do not just give them information, let them ask you questions and keep your answers fairly short unless they want you to go further. Do be prepared to tell him what your game plan is for after surgery, eating excersing and such. And to be able to tell him about your support system. Dr Clough will want to know this also.
It really isnt that bad a thing, you will do fine!
Keep us posted!!