Hi, i am interested in the surgery and...
Hi everyone. My name is Jolie Smith and i have been looking into the weight loss surgery and was wondering if anyones energy has improved if they suffered from low energy since they had the surgery? I am hoping to lose weight and improve how my health with this surgery. Well wish me best on my road to improved health. Thanks. Jolie
Well, I would have to say I have more energy. I definetly last longer when doing active stuff like walking, riding bikes, shopping and generaly everything. I still like my naps, though I dont get them often.
Of course my situation is sort of different from most peoples. My hub gets up between midnight and 2am, so that wakes me up, the older kids get up at 6am, so that wakes me up, the babies get up between 7 and 9 am, so that would wake me up if I had gone back to bed, plus they wake up now and then during the night wanting to be covered up or such. I rarely go to bed before 10pm, i am a night person, I can stay up late, but to get up early is a killer.
So, you can see, I do not get that many hours of consistant sleep. If I did, maybe I would be energentic all the time.
Please feel free to post anything you want, everyone here is very helpful and knows their stuff. It might take a couple days for everyone to come around and answer it, but you will get answers im sure.
Good luck!!

Hello Jolie,
Welcome to the board.
There was a time shortly after surgery when I was tired often, but how could I not be? Just had major surgery afterall. But once I finally turned that corner at about 3 months out, I feel great. Ask Theresa, she calls me "peppy".
Weight loss definately happens as well as improved health but it's alot more than the surgery that will make you successful.
I do wish you well and am here to answer questions. Also, alot of us actually write huge stories on our profiles so you can get alot of nice info there. Of course there are alot who have written little or nothing so asking questions here can be a great resource. Never take what you read here as what will work for you or be what your surgeon would prefer. Although there are alot of us who had surgery in Bangor. I had Dr. Clough.
Always here to help,

Hi Casey,Its Jolie. Thanks for replying to my post. Its nice to know that people out there care about each other and support each other. I think I have seen you at a support group in Bangor that i was at last one they had on friday or wednesday. Anyways , I wanted to ask you how much you exercise because you are very petite i noticed so i was wondering if you exercise every single day? I exercise thress times a week and was wonder if i had the surgery if i would need more exercise like everyday? Ok, well thanks for being so kind as to respond to my post. i really appreciate it. I will probably have more posts in the future. Well have a great day.
Hi Jolie,
You're quite welcome. I try to respond to all posts however there is a little birdie named Theresa who sometimes beats me to the post and covers all bases!
I try to make the meetings as often as possible. I think I went to all three last month.
I'm planning for the Friday and Wednesday this month as well. Hope to see you there. And please try to talk to me if you have time. I wonder why more people don't approach me, I'm not a ***** really!
Anyway to answer your questions...no, I do not exercise everyday. I would say that I should, you should, everyone should. But I am a slacker. I mean to, yet sometimes I just don't make it there. I just wish I had someone to go with. There was a lady at a meeting who lives in the same town as me, I wanted to hook up with her to plan gym time but I didn't catch her before everyone left. Maybe I'll see her again.
I am amazed at how well I have done with not having exercised everyday. But alot of factors go into that, so I would say exercising as often as you do now or more would be great!
Write anytime. I seem to be on here more often now that we have a desktop again, our other one pooped out.
I see that your BMI is 43.9, I think mine was 43.3. I am 5'2" and weighed 240 at the time of surgery. Now I'm at 120. You can do anything you set your mind to so don't think you won't be able to lose alot too. It just takes work and dedication.
You have a nice day too! Thanks.

Hi Casey, Next support group I'll have to say hi. I am a very shy person so thats why i usually don't approach people first but at the support group everyone is so nice and supportive. I have been exercising with my grandmother, who will be leaving in the fall florida for awhile and then i will have to have the determination to do it on my own. I go to this place called Healthsouth..small and quiet with not the best machines but it gets the job done. plus you never have to wait in line. I have a few questions, before the surgery where you affraid to die from complications? Sometimes i get anxiety about that but then i think if i don't change my health i could die from that too. Also is it hard to get over the head cravings and be mindful of what you eat? I have been working hard on my eating latley to get used to.... I find it hard to take my time eatting in the morning mostly because i am half asleep and i eat to wake me up. i know i eat too much because i eat to get energy because i am tired all the time. I just hope I will be able to do this wls with success because i don't want food to be the only thing i like...i really do like to dance and exercise but it is just to hard when i am so overweight. Well enough of my babble . I hope you are well and take care. Jolie