Losing my patience with the waiting
I just felt the need to vent a little. My approval process is taking forever!! The doctor's office sent the information to BCBS for pre-determination. BCBS sent a letter dated 4/30/04 asking for more information. I promptly got the stuff faxed from my previous PCP (I moved) as well as more info from my current PCP. Since then, my surgeon's office has sat on the paperwork. Last Thursday I called BCBS and they still hadn't received anything, so I wrote another personal letter to include with this packet of info, which I then took to my surgeon's office. When I asked about the status of my paperwork, all they could say is it isn't completed yet, but should be completed some time this week. I know my surgeon is getting really busy lately, but I gotta get a move on! My gallbladder absolutely has to come out soon! (Although I must say it is keeping me on quite a low-fat diet!)
Anyway, I've been working on this approval since November, and my patience is running thin!