Today is my Birthday!
Ok, I guess I need a bit of attention.
Today is my birthday, I am 37.
I feel so much better then I did a year ago, though for the past couple weeks I have been in a MAJOR funk!
I do hope to snap out of it or I swear I'll end up in the psych ward.
My older 2 children remembered, my Amy even gave me something she bought with her own money in Disney World that I wanted but was to cheap to buy for myself.
The child drives me nuts at times but I love her with all my heart.
I am waiting to see if DH remembers. If he doesn't I will not remind him. He was so good to me yesterday when I went on a crying jag. If he forgets it is just because he has to much on his mind. He loves me completely so I can't hold him forgetting something once in a while.
Have a good day!

Thanks everyone, even though I have been sick most the day I have loved the well wishes, really raised my spirit. I am in bad need of spirit lifting.
I do think it is because I am having issues about being afraid of not losing the rest of the weight and afraid of weight re-gain. How can I not worry, how many times have I failed before? I feel like I am in a fight for my life and on the losing side thus far. Yes, that might be a bit dramatic, I do not have any real health issues per say, but I still worry. Each night I pray to God to give me strength not to fail myself. I guess I am looking for a ray of hope.
I'll get it I am sure!

Happy Birthday to you...I'm's a darn good thing you can't hear it
. Only 37, you're such a young person!
Your birthday sounds alot better than mine did. I spent mine at the hopspital 5 am (my cousin just had WLS on my B-day), then I had final exams later that same day. I tried to get my professor to give an A with out taking the exam, just as a B-Day present. Can you believe he laughed? My son remembered at about 7 pm, my hubby did call me to wish me a Happy B-day (he was in Ohio) but we celebrated upon his return.
I hope that you will be feeling better soon so you can enjoy yourself camping.
Again, Happy Birthday to a fellow Taurus!
Cindy K.