MaineCare and the coverage of psych test
Hey all... Just a point that I wondered if anyone else had to go through... I had to have the psych test at Acadia for the surgery, so I did so. When I signed the forms, the woman said that it wouldn't be covered under MaineCare and Medicare. I did it anyway, because I need it, but I wondered why the insurances wouldn't cover this bit when it is necessary for the procedure. Everything else is covered, hmmm. Anyway, the result is I have to pay $450 that I don't have. I do know that Acadia has a charity fund that we are going to appeal to, because, well, I am not flush with the cash. Hopefully, it will be forgiven. I wonder though, has anyone else with these insurances had to do this little dance?
Hello Heidi,
I wonder why this has happened? Things must have changed since I went through the steps to have surgery because I also have MaineCare and everything was covered. I never saw a bill for anything at all.
Call and talk to someone at HealthWorks or someone who you know will be able to explain what's going on.