Hi All,
I thought I would share an incident that happened to me yesterday afternoon. It was a great boost to the ego along with having me laughin all the way up the interstate.
I was stopped at a traffic light, heading to the interstate. A car full (about 5) 18 -20 year old young men drove up next to me. My window was down about half way. I heard one of them yell out to me, so I rolled my window down and asked what they had said. The one in the front passenger seat said "Lookin good!" As the driver was straining backwards to look over. I replied " Yea, not bad for 46!" There was some hoorahing going on from the group, and the young man in the back seat, so proud and full of himself, has a big smile and says "I'm 18!" I replied, "That's great, your still younger than my oldest." That got the group laughing again. As the light changes, another yells out "Hey drive careful, you're still lookin good!"
I immediately called my husband, to inform him I was just hit on by a car load of 18-20 year old guys. I was laughing so hard my eyes teared up. My hubby said, "Well, babe, I've been telling you that for awhile."
I still smile,, more when I think of how proud the young man was to tell me he was 18, hmmmm, was I supposed to be impressed? Oh well, it made my day.
