Calling all Northern Mainers!!!!!!
Lets not forget that there will be a support group meeting in the McCain room "A" at TAMC on Monday the 17th @ 4pm. Dayna will lead the meeting via closed circuit television from EMMC.
For those not farmiliar with TAMC, go through the maine enterence (behind the hospital) and go straight past the gift shop. The room is to the right at the end of the hall.

I'll be there. I met Lynn Wednesday when I went for my educational meeting. She is fantastic! She also will give me credit for attending the TAMC meeting so I didn't have to stay in Bangor that night.
I have a minivan and will gladly give a ride to anyone needing one Monday. Just let me know. I am in Easton.
I am so looking forward to meeting you all face-to-face. I swear I have seen some of you at Wal-Mart but I've hesitated to come up to you for fear I may be mistaken.
You are probably right. Wal-Mart is the #1 meeting place for the County. I see my sister there, more then anywhere Usually everyone picks me out of a crowd because of my purple wheelchair.
Only now, (depending on the day) I use my walker a lot.
Can't wait for Monday!!
301/225/hope to be 150 one day!!!!!