Time of the month
To all you women out there,
I know that this is an unpleasant topic but after you guys had the surgery did you have a unusually large menstral cycle the month after? I was not able to go to work today because I was bleeding though a tampon along with a pad every hour. I have never experienced this before so I don't know if this is something that I should be worried about. Thanx for having the patience to hear me out on this disgusting issue.
Sharon J

Hey Sharon,
No need to apologize, we understand. My first period post op was really bed too, I believe for a number or reasons: 1. just had major surgery, 2. stopped birth control pills, 3. was already in pain and grumpy.
Since surgery I have not gone back on the pill so it has been heavier and longer everytime. Plus I notice the cramps more. Not too fun. Oh well, someday I'll go through menopause...yippe. haha
My monthly was a breeze before surgery. 3 days tops but more like 1 most months, of course I had to wear a pantyliner for a good week.
The first one started while I was still in surgery, it was pretty heavy and lasted 5 days. The next month it was HEAVY! It lasted 5 days, cramping and clots, really bad. Each month since has gotten a bit better though I notice my PMS is worse. I am back to 3 days though there are moments when it might "flare" up. I have to be sure to wear a pad instead of a panty liner for about a week.
I am hoping I will go back to my 1-3 days. BTW, I am not nor have I been on birthcontrol for years.
Hang in there!