Surgery Preparation
HI All,
I was wondering about the surgery preparation. I have not been told specifically what I have to do the days prior to the surgery. I can't understand eating the night before an AM surgery being allowed or maybe even that day. But since my date is not till May 17th I figure they will be giving me instructions closer to my date. My surgeon is Dr. Toder in Bangor. Any one have any info on that?

I had Dr. Toder as well, awesome surgeon. I think that you are really going to like her. I had surgery 3 1/2 weeks ago and I am doing fabulous. As far as preparing for surgery, a nurse anesthesis will be calling you a couple of days prior to surgery to give you a list of instructions that you will need to do the night before surgery. Also, the anesthesiologist is supposed to call you as well. Unfortunately, neither of them called me and I was beginning to get worried so I called Toder's office and they gave me the number to call. I called and soon both people called me. Another hint that they won't tell you is the day before surgery, in the morning so that it has time to work, I went to the drug store and bought a bottle of magnesium citrate(it's found with the laxatives, I prefer the lemon/lime). Drink the whole bottle, it's only ten onces, and this will clean out your bowels. I found that this helped tremendously with gas post op. Don't worry it is safe. I spoke with my primary care before doing so. I wish you the best of luck during and after your surgery. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. God Bless.
Sharon J
Thank you Sharon!
I am a little nervous about the whole procedure. Waking up & all. Can you describe how you felt. I have been nauseated in the past from anesthetic. My other concern is getting up and moving. How sore is the wound after the surgery? I am assuming you did an open procedure.
Congratulations on your surgery and that your felling fabulous. I hope I will be the same. I appreciate the advice on the laxitives. (I was actually thinking of doing it) I am glad you confirmed that it is safe.
I will pray for you to continue to feel wonderful!