update on my niece's ear surgery
I posted the other day about my niece having surgery this morning to get her tonsils and adnoids out plus have her ear drum reconstructed. Her mother opted to have the ear done later, saying it is too much all at once. In one way it IS a lot to go through but if it were me, I think I'd rather have it all done and not have to put her through it again. Sooooo I will be with her this morning AND down the road for her ear surgery. I went to visit her last night and she was so bubbly and giggly. It was a bit unusual for her so I assume she was a bit nervous. She is usually a quiet shy kid.. Anyhow.............. talk to you later...
Hey Kelley,
All will be well with your neice...God is her surgeon....I will continue saying prayers for her...My son had the same surgery minus the ear surgery last October and came out of it just fine....One thing her mom will see is she will sleep much much better....My son has had the best night sleep ever since the surgery and he's not snoring anymore....Keep your chin up and keep up the great weight loss too!!!!!
Sincerely Helen K.