Hi everyone!!!
I am very sorry I have not posted...My life has been a mess since I last posted...My 20yr old daughter was raped a month ago and my 13 year old son tried to commit suicide a week ago so things have been very bad for us....But on a good note I am down 55lbs so I am happy about that...Please keep us in your prayers...Thanks Helen
Oh Helen! I am so sorry for what you and your family have been going through. This is so much for you to deal with. I wish I knew some way to help you. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. If you ever need to talk I am here for you!
Congrats on the weight loss, you are doing fantastic.

Hey Everyone.....Thank you for your thoughts and prayers...The guy that did this to my daughter has been arrested and was charged with three counts of gross sexual assault....I will let you know more as it happens...Luckily my daughter is doing well and has finals at college to focus on right now...My son is doing ok but he is touch and go right now...He goes to the psychiatrist the end of the month and maybe then we can get some answers....He's trying to put up a good front but we know it is hard for him right now....Thank you for your prayers and thoughts...Helen