My Psych Eval...
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know how my psych eval went. I didn't mind the questions...I didn't really even mind the one on one session. It was actually kind of a release. I spilled my guts...
I went in tehre thinking I wouldnt but, my mouth wouldnt shut up. Dr. Prescott said that He thought it was awesome how many changes i have made since i made up my mind to lose..and have surgery. He on the other hand said..that he suggests i begin therapy(again) for my depression history...He said he thinks that when i have surgery it will "trigger" a period of emotional difficulty because it is so major. So, I have to get ahold of a local Psychologist tomorrow so, i can start therapy before i see Dr. Clough. I really don't want this to delay surgery so, I don't want to put it off. I will keep you all updated. Talk to you all later!!

Hi there,
Dr. Prscott said that by my tests I am the type of person that keeps the depression hidden and can go on with life seeming happy on the outside but crumbline inside...So, its not surprising that some people may not even realize im depressed. Do any of you think that Dr. Clough will deny my surgery? I was thinking that if im being treated then maybe he will do the surgery as long as i stay in therapy...But, Im unsure. There is an Employee assistance program through TAMC. I only will have to pay a small portion for my sessions but, they cover only 10 sessions per calender year. They recommend Dr. Robley Morrison. Has anyone heard of him? Ill keep you all informed.
Take Care,

Thanks for letting us know how it went! It may be for the best that you spilled the beans, at least you can work on those issues now. Once you have surgery there is no going back, so if the depression would hinder your weight loss that would only perpetuate the problem.
Goodluck with the therapy!