me too....
Sorry I haven't been around....I suppose it's a slump. Not exactly sure, but I'm here reading and not posting. I am extremly busy with homeschooling and church stuff, these occupy so much of my time.
I'm just about three months out...doing pretty good, I think. Well...I know that I have struggles, like Dove chocolate and the pound of guilt that comes with just one (that was today)......One is o****ep telling myself.
I feel better than I have in five years. Lost a little over 60lbs and enjoying the "freedom", mobility, loose clothes etc.etc.
I think of everyone here often and keep tabs on each's journey. I won't be able to make the reunion, it's our Easter Vigil that night. I do hope to make a Fri. support meeting soon though...
Hope all is well with everyone!

Hi Linda!
Yes, I still enjoy the taste of chocolate, but in very limited quantities (not like my pre-op life!). I haven't over-indulged on anything but ..shrimp, and that was my stupidity trying to get more protein in....the first and last vomit (thank heavens!). I'm not super strict....this too is a struggle.
NO I have nothing to do with this dreadful depressing!
You sound like you're doing pretty good Linda! It seems like yesterday when we were in the hospital......time flies!
Keep Smiling...and making others smile!
You have been missed!!!! It is ok, I understand the slump thing, I wish I was allowed to have a slump and stay off the PC, but since it is my job,that is a NO GO!
You have a very busy life, you are allowed to forget about us for a while, just not permanetly.
Super weight loss, you are brave to try the chocolate. I just started eating sugar free/fat free stuff. I have always been pretty sure I do not dump but still do not pu**** What eat to much of is chips (now banned from the house) popcorn and pretzels. You must not be eating to much off plan to have that sort of weight loss.
Anyway, I wish you were going to be there on Saturday but understand why you wont be. I hope you take pictures soon because it is going to be forever before I see you again.
Our basement flooded yesterday, I lost many of the clothes I had been saving to give. I guess I should have given them away sooner.
We leave for Florida on the 22nd and I still have not finished shopping for me yet, plus I still have to get cameras, suntan lotion, sneakers, sandals and all that for everyone. Where does the time go?????
Anyway, time for the babies to go to bed, YEAH!!!
Try to post more!!

Hey Theresa,
Good to hear from you. I ended up having to take AOL Instant Mess. off my PC because it made weird things happen. I still have MSN chat if you or anyone has that installed.
Am I brave?? Or a slacker, abuser of my precious tool?? HHmmmmm.
Yeah, I'm sad to miss the reunion ...but can't do much about that. We'll see one another again....
Sorry to hear about your basement. Can't imagine dealing with that! Oh well...who cares, you're off to FL soon!! Man oh man....what a time you'll have!
Thanks for being YOU!
Hi Lauren,
Good to hear from you...sorry you won't be able to make the reunion thingy. Maybe I'll see you at a Friday meeting, it'll be interesting to see how different you look!
I hear ya on the guilt, it seems lately I can eat/drink anything so I have to be my own food police, lol.
Also, I was wondering how you do your homeschooling and what ages your children are, if you don't mind sharing info. Our son will be three in August and we are gathering as much info as we can to prepare for starting his schooling at home. Of course things are happening now, but I mean as far as routine, content etc. Thank you.