I'm sorry.

No need to apologize, everyone goes through spurts of not coming on and posting. I do it too. I get stuck in slumps all the time, stubborness being a big factor.
It is good to see you back and hopefully feeling better with the coming spring.
Although todays snow was a surprise to me! LOL
Will you be able to go to the reunion thingy on Saturday? I'll be going there around 12:30 to meet up with anyone else who goes early. (Kelley, Theresa, Lauren, etc?)
Hope to see you there,

I apologise as well.
Yesterday in Choir practice I got ticked off. Our director likes to change things a lot. I like to come prepared and she upsets the boat but she owns the boat. You know how that can be. It's BAD for those of us that are changing our bodies and our minds.
Take care, I understand.
Brother Ron
Hey Linda,
Great to see you post, was wondering about you. I think we all get stubborn from time to time. Spring will help us all I'm sure, lord knows I sure need it. Of course it snowed today!!!
I respect MotherNature and all that, but can't she show me some mercy?
Hope to see you post more often, we all need each other in this journy.