I went roller skatting yesterday...
We went roller skatting yesterday for the first time in about 4 to 5 years. It was great I had a slow start but did pretty good, only fell down twice and skatted for an hour and a hafl. Had a great time.
I made a list of things I wanted to be able to do again and I have accomplished 7 out of 17 items on my list. I'm slowly getting there.
Hope to go roller skatting again the end of this month or the first of next month. really want to keep going at least once a month it's great exersice for my legs.
I was there, but wasn't skating---I am too big of a chicken to try skates again. Congrats on whittling (not sure if I spelled that right) away at your list--accomplishing things like that is a really good feeling.
Once I looked real close at your picture here online, I am wondering if you were the one skating with dark blue pants and a dark blue shirt on??? If that was you, I certainly didn't recognize you until I studied your picture on here a little closer--you sure do look a lot different.
That was you--I remember the american flag shirt. If I would have realized that was you---I would have spoke to you. You look terrific!!!!!! You should post a new picture online. I was standing along the edge clear down on the end by the laser tag area--I can't remember for sure what I had on, but I think I had on my red and black Nascar jacket with the "29" on the front and "Harvick" across the back. I was standing there with 3 other people.