Friday Support Group Meeting
Hi all,
What a wonderful meeting. It was great to see Kent, Ron , Heather, and all the others again, I even got to meet Chris! You are all doing so great! Keep up the great work. One thing that stands out is the point of nausea, and a way to help find what is causing this is to: track what you have been eating; ask yourself: what did I do differently that may have caused it to occur? For instance: What did I eat differently today? Did I eat enough protein, did I have something a little too starchy or sweet?
In the first 3 months I kept a journal of my food intake, after becoming comfortable I was able to get away from the journal. I still keep a journal when I am traveling or have company visiting, because those are the times that I am out of my "normal" mode, and it becomes so easy to "fall off" the correct eating habits.
Hugs to all,
Cindy K.
I know it, what a great meeting. Talk about a family atmosphere!
It's so true what some people said-- some meetings we give, some we leave with something and others it's both. More people need to go to the meetings, it's a wonder they couldn't make the requirement more than one.
Thank you for the compliment and about the license. I am glad it's finally over, lol.
See ya later,
Did we start at the same time? I had gone to the education class and required meeting in November of last year. I did have to delay surgery till after my husband was done with school for the semester but I was very pleased with the total time from referall to surgery.