Surgery rescheduled
Hey everyone Great news to report....Dr. Cobean's office called today & changed my surgery date from May 3rd to April 12th
I had hoped that I would get bumped up but never thought it would actually happen & never imagined when I woke this morning that my count down to a new life would go from 33 days(which seemed like a lifetime) to 10!!!!!
I am wondering if anyone has any advice as to what I should have on hand for after surgery & what I should bring to the hospital to make things easier...any advice will be greatly appreciated....Thanks

You go girl!!!!!! I bet you were doing the happy dance
I would take as LESS as possible to the hospital. this is what I took..
My clothes I wore in and a new set to wear home (could have wore the ones I wore in)
Chapstick (but the gave some to me right when I woke up bec i complained about my lips being dry)..
Magazines... That I didn't touch. time flies in there....
I also brought shampoo..toothpaste and all that stuff but they had it there. not the best so you might want to bring your own.
The other things I brought was my walker for walking, which I wasnt able to do until a week after surgery.. but I DID use my wheelchair for strolls in the hall.. Those two things are just me but thought I would add it in. Everyone told me to take as little as possible but did I listen? NOOOOOOOOO but wish I would have.. Poor hubby lugged and lugged stuff that I didn't bother with. ha ha Gotta love em!
Good luck.. we wil be rootin for ya!!!!!

I have one bit of advice that I found priceless when I was in the hospital and for a few days after. I brought a long wooden spoon and used it when I took my shower and for wiping after bathroom use. I wrapped the spoon part with toilet paper when using it for wiping and wrapped a washcloth around the spoon part to wash my back and privates. I never needed to ask for assistance while in the hospital while in the bathroom. Another thing I brought that I was glad I did was a calling card. You need it to call your family and friends. Like Kelly I brought all kinds of stuff that I never removed from my suitcase. Keep it simple, bring your smile. Good luck. Lulu
That is so cool! Isn't it amazing to be about one week away from starting a new way of life?
Don't bring alot of stuff, you won't need it. Bring toiletries (spray deoderant was great to have) of course, chapstick, a nice photo of people you care about, and anything else you think will help you to feel good.
I just took a change of shirt and panties for clothes. Chapstick is the MOST important thing, I would have gone nuts without mine. I used my phone card a lot. Of course I took a picture of the kids, I take that everywhere.
The things I took and did not use was a held hand game and a book to read. I was a bit to doped up to read or be able to see straight to play the game. If I was awake I was on the phone, watching TV, walking or talking to my hub.
Congratulations on your surgery date being moved up, the next 10 days will FLY!
Keep us updated!