Support group meetings?
I am very nre to all of this and am still in the first stages of having WLS, I will be asking my PCP today if he would/will approve me for the surgery! *crossing finger*
My questions is, does anyone know of where and when they have meetings in York county area? Or do you know how I could find out this info???
Much appreciated, Lynn

Hi Lynn: Welcome aboard! I do not know who your surgeon is but mine is Dr. Cobean and I attend support meetings on Route 1 in Scarborough at 100 Campus Drive - on the right just before you go past the old Humpty Dumpty factory. I believe if you have a surgeon in Biddeford or down that way, they have another support meeting. Hope this is a little help. Dot
Hi Lynn ,how are you i havent had surgery yet ,but ive got all my appts. done that had to be done before i can see the surgeon ,which is dr georgitis,ive been to my informational meeting at smmc in biddeford.which you have to go to ,because thats where you will get a packet of papers to fill out for dr georgitis,and send back to him .anyway if you would like to chat sometime and i can fill you in a little bit more just email me and if you have yahoo or aol we can chat on there .im from wells ,alsop are you related to any of the mayos from wells im good friends with them .ok bye for now. email me so we can chat. marissa