Something you wish you would have known
Not so much I wish I had known because it would not have made a difference really, but I had no idea just how weak I would be after surgery. It wasn't even right after surgery, it was when I got home. The weakness was like nothing I had ever experienced. Just to walk 25 feet was terrible. I would go outside, down our deck and to the bottom of our driveway. On the way back it was hell to just get back up over the stairs, hub had to haul me up one time.
This did pass pretty quick, within a couple weeks, but it was very surprising. I do not think all experience this.
Nice to see a new person posting!!
OpenRNY 7/15/03
Hi Amy,
Welcome to the board. You will find more than answers to questions here!
Everyone is very supportive and willing to chat.
But to answer your question, I don't think I have encountered anything directly surgery related. But after losing alot of weight it has bothered me that I am treated differently by people who wouldn't give me the time of day before. But I'll get over it, lol.
Goodluck and again welcome,

Welcome to the board! I would have to agree with Theresa on the being tired and weak thing--I knew it would happen, but for me it lasted a couple months and I wasn't really prepared or expecting it to last that long---but I dealt with it!
The only other thing I would say is that I knew and was expecting to experience being cold all the time, but I wasn't expecting to FREEZE to death all the time! Again, something you just deal with.
Good Luck on your journey!
Thank you all so much for your time I am always HOT it will be strange for my husband to not be able to use me as his "heater". Thank you for your support I have been surprised at the wonderful supportive posts from all of the folks on this website. Thank you.. us "newbies" are lucky to have you all.