Hi everyone,
This is directed to post-ops. Just out of curiousity.. How long was your wait from the time you seen the surgeron to the tiem you had surgery. I am curious as im trying to figure out when to take leave of absence because there is a process i need to take ..fill out a form wait for approval or denial from the big wigs. I know it varies but just curious about how long you all needed to wait. When i seen dayna she said after my Psych eval. I have to wait for the report to be sent to Lynn. then she sets an appt. for the consult. then surgery is USUALLY a month or so after that depending on the surgeons vacation schedules...for this time of year.
Thanks Everyone,

I saw Dr. Clough on Oct 15th and my surgery was Jan 2. BUT I had a month where I was calling and calling the insurance office to straighten things out. Between BC/BS and Dr. Clough's office, someone got their wires crossed. Never did find out exactly what happend but once I got my approval, I no longer cared!!!!!!!!!
Time will fly for you. Especially now that it is warming up a little!!
Good Luck.. Kell