I'm Back From Florida, Rested and Ready to Get Back Ontrack
Hello everyone, I have returned from Sunny Florida..the weather was wonderful 80's and sunny...I am sporting a new suntan
...With my new suntan I hope I have a new attitude. I was certainly depressed and doom and gloom when I found this support group. I have jumped right in and am trying to get back to the basics and see if that helps. No sugar, no drinking with meals and trying to move more.
I'm not sure if any of you remember me.. I live in Southern Maine, I am 33 months post op of rny surgery..down 120 lbs..but having trouble maintaining and had gained about 12-13 lbs over the past year. I had cut the sugar and watched what I ate for a week before my trip to Florida and lost 3 lbs. I gained one back on vacation (not too bad) and now am right back to trying to get some more off.
I'm looking for a buddy who is also past the "honeymoon" stages of wls for support and to give support. Anyone out there?

It is wonderul that you had a great time. I am going next month and hope that it is in the 80s then. I am in desperate need of warm sunny weather.
Sounds like you are back on track, losing 3 lbs in a week at 33 months out is fantastic! No doubt you will get the rest of the pounds off quickly!
Keep it up!