Hey there,
I just wanted to tell you all my good news. I went to see dayna today. I was surprised when she todl me i was down 11 lbs.
from when i was weighed for the nutrition class 2 weeks ago...SHe said she has all the confidence in the world that I will succeeed..Im soo excited!!!
Now for my next appt. which is April 8, the Psych Eval with Dr. Prescott
I will update you all as soon I have more good news.
Good Luck to you all that are getting surgeries soon.. Congratulations to all that have gotten surgeries and doing great

That is AWESOME!
Losing weight before surgery will help you when you get to "the other side" of recovering. It also proves your serious intentions.
Don't be nervous about meeting Dr.Prescott. He is very pleasant and wants to help us reach our goals. I enjoyed meeting with him.
Best wishes!

Hey there,
Thank you Casey and thank you Kent for tryign to ease my mind about Dr. Prescott, Im sure it will be fine but, I just fear he will say i have some mental problem or something..and say no you cant have surgery..I already know my mind isnt all there..LOL!!
I just dont want him to stop me because of it...LOL!!!
I do have a history of depression and I have been through counselling SO MANY Times and tried medications. Nothing seemed to help for any amount or time..Hmm just like the many diets i have tried.. I do beleive that a BIG part of that depression is my weight problems over the years so ..hopefully all goes well...Thanks Again!!