I am back!
Hello Everyone,
I am back from Cali and trying to get caught up. So much to do, so little time. The weather was quite cool but I survived, still not as cool as here. As beautiful as I thought it was, I would not live anywhere but Maine.
Please let me know if anyone needs anything, I really have missed you all. I will go over the posts now and see what I have missed.
WoooHooo I will be in Florida this time next month and i KNOW it is warm there.
Love you people!

Hey you! I am happy to see you are home...as you might already know the board hasn't exactly been jumpin, lol.
You must have had a wonderful time!
Florida sounds like a nice place to go after coming home to this chilliness!
PS At the Saturday support group meeting Lynn joined Rose Marie and they were talking about how they have learned that this website does not meet ethical standards, what do you know about this? I can call for more info if anyone is interested.
I had said that I like to use this forum only, seeing as the "main" forum is a seething pot of misinformation, cat fights and way off topic discussion.
Hi Casey,
Thanks for the great welcome back, great to see your beautiful face up on the board.
I would love to hear what Lynn had to say, I am sure she is quite wrong if she was talking about ObesityHelp.com. We have so many people "checking" us out, if there was something wrong we would of heard about it.

Welcome Back Theresa
Glad you are back? How did it feel going on the plane and being a new person? I know when i went to California a few years ago, I felt like i was not fit to be on ANY plane ..I felt really bad and out of place because of my weight. I decided id never go again. BUt, Hopefully I will get to again when im a NEW ME
Again Welcome Back!!

I was just a bit bigger then I am now the last time I was on a plane and I was MUCH younger, so the difference wasnt much. What really hit home to me was how it could have been, how it is for those that have not lost the weight. So many of the people were cramped up, struggling to stay in their very own itty bitty space. I felt so bad for them. Walking up the ailse must be a nightmare for them, I know I bonked a few people myself.
The airlines really need to do something about this but I fear they never will. It is very sad.
I almost missed my flight on the way home. Of course my own fault, I had to go pee.
The airport in Detriot is soooooooooooo big. I landed in one end and had to go to another end, through a LONG tunnel, down another forever corridor and I was there. Of course it is then that I discovered they not only did not have seats, they had no BATHROOMs. I trucked it back up to the other end just to hear my plane called saying the door would close in 1 minute. Thank gawd planes have pottys.
Of course all this being said, I cant wait to go again!