What causes irritable leg syndrome???
I had this very bad after surgery, it effected my entire body though, every limb. My PCP said it was common but also caused because I had gone off Effexor cold turkey, she put me on lexapro and with in 48 hours things got better.
What a terrible feeling it is, I had to practically knock myself out to get any decent rest while it was at its worst. Good thing to know is it DOES go away.
Hang in there hun!

Thank you Theresa. I welcome your helpful words. I have never taken the meds you had mentioned but I do have my 6 week check up tom. with Dr. G and I am going to ask him about it. It is really effecting my sleep. How long did it last for you? I have been so tempted to take some of that liquid codine they sent me home with from the hospital, just to get some sleep. I am just too afraid I will not wake up!! Thank you for your help!