Hi EVeryone,
I just wanted to share my good news with all of you...I have a Psych eval. on April 8(getting nervous about that), I was originally supposed to see Dayna on April 20. Edith(her asst.) called me Wednesday to see if I woudl want to some on March 23(This coming Tuesday)..at first I thought..welll I dont have that day off from work so prob not. Then I thought WELL YES...the sooner i get this all done the sooner..I WILL BE A LOSER
. So, i had to call her back and say YES!!! I am so excited to have this going so quickly..Much sooner then I thought..YEA!!
I also wanted to share that I'm still going to the gym. I LOVE IT!!! I have 30 min to MYSELF..It feels great to not have to worry about anyone else but ME for that time
I have a friend at workt hat is also wanting to lose weight and wants GBS. She is still continuing with the traditional dieting though. She started the process,but stopped. She doesnt have much of a support system at home. Her husband doesn't really want her to have it done. She is working out at the gym though as well. Today we are gonna start working out together when we can. It will be great I think.
Well, Ill close for now!!! Talk to you all Later!!
Take Care,

I was a nervous wreck before my psych eval, but it ended up not being nearly as bad as I had expected it to be--you will be fine.
You are doing great by going to the gym now. I didn't start working out until about 4 months post-op, and I could definitely kick myself now for not starting sooner. Once you get into a routine, excercising can actually become quite addictive!
The process is moving right along for you--pretty soon you will be posting that you have a date!
Keep up the good work!