I'm almost 3 years post op..and new to Maine.. I need support and friends..
Hello everyone, I have been looking for support and found this forum. I hope I can be of help as well as recieve it. I had my surgery in June 2001. I lost 120 lbs..but never made it down to my goal ..I have gained about 12 lbs back in the past year and I need to stop this and get on the right track again.
Yes, surgery helps you lose a lot of weight..but it doesn't make the old habits and problems magically disappear. I don't mean to sound negative as I am very happy to have lost the weight that I did. I just feel kind of left out there on my own now that I am so far post op..and I guess I need some support.
I live in the Southern Maine area. Nice to meet all of you.
Welcome to the family Sharon.
I am almost 8 months out and have learned that you are very correct about the old habits not going away. That honeymoon period of the first 6 months is wonderful, but I wi**** lasted a bit longer. This is a struggle but one I am determined to win.
12 lbs isnt that bad, have you tried going back to basics? Not that I think it is a magic cure, but if you lost all that weight in the first place, I am sure you can do it.
Just to give your body a shock and tell them who is boss.
Please post often, we enjoy hearing from everyone. It will be good for us to see how it is like 3 yrs post op.
Have a wonderful day!

Hi Sharon and welcome!
At a week out of surgery, I appreciate seeing the road ahead. I already am aware that I think of food when I'm not hungry and have to have complete concentration when I eat.
The night after my surgery, I dreamed about slicing a roast beef. LOL I blamed it on the drugs. Ice chips were deicious enough at that time. Who would hve thought?
Your weight loss is wonderful. We're with you!
Welcome to the board! Looking for support? You have come to the right place girl!
As far as being 3 years out, how much do you eat at a meal now? What things do you have often to eat or drink? Do you exercise?
I'm just asking because I have lost 115lbs since my surgery in June 2003 and would like some advise...
I grew up in Topsham, are you near there?
Thanks for the support and wonderful response!!.. I live in the Sanford area..I have only been in Maine a little over a year...I am from Illinois..that is where I had my surgery... so how did I end up in Maine??? Yes..it was an internet love..lol..I married a Mainer...He has been wonderful..he knew me before my surgery and was so supportative and with me every pound of the way...
I have found over the last year that I can eat more..and it is scary.... I have found I can eat a whole sandwich .i.e. two slices ham, 1 slice of cheese, two slices of thin bread...I am stuffed when I am done and can't eat anything else with it...another example of how much I can eat is I usually eat a piece of meat..probably 3 oz. and half a cup of veggies at dinner time.. I can now eat the whole banana..etc..
I have arthritis in both of my knees and a lot of lower back pain, I am in water therapy now to try to get so I can exercise more..I feel that is the biggest part of my problem. I am unable to exercise...I just signed up for the program here in Maine, Move and Improve..committing to exercise 30 min a day 4 x's a week..they said the 30 min. can be broke down into 3 10 min. sessions..I think I can walk 10 min at a time..
Unfortunately one of the bad things I have done..and I warn others not to..is I have gradually added sugar back. I can only eat small amounts at a time..like about 15 grams.but that is more than I should...I have found myself eating a hershey bar in a day.. a bite at a time...
So, on a renewed effort to stop the weight gain, and hopefully lose some more, I have totally cut out the sugar..it has been 4 days now and is easier.. the first day I would have killed for chocolate.
I am lactose intolerant now..but I can tolerate cheese..so I try to eat some everyday for the calcium. I know cheese is higher in fat..but..feel it is important that I get the calcium.
I was told at my first year checkup..not to consume over 1 1/2 cups of food at a time..and I would be fine.. I think I do that easily enough..I know I can make a few better choices though..get back to more of the basics..protein first, then veggies, then fruit...
I have trouble getting all my water in..and another bad vice I have is I amfinally able to drink soda. I drink probably one can a day..over the day..I can't just sit down and drink the whole thing at once..I open it..and have to let it get kind of flat before I can drink it well.
Hope I have answered some of your questions. I am not familier enough with Maine yet to know where you live..but It is sure nice meeting you..
Take care,