Hi everyone!!!
Well I haven't posted for awhile...Sorry. I'm doing ok...I had surgery 1month and 4days ago and I'm down 35lbs as of the 17th of February. Feeling a little sick to my stomach at times but at least I am eating....I have to be careful what I eat cause alot of stuff makes me feel really gross sometimes. I have 2 big problems at this point....I have Bi-Polar disorder and I have to take some pretty heavy meds(Lithium & Tri-leptal). I tried taking the pills and oh boy did it do a number on my stomach...I couldn't eat or drink anything...I was feeling so bad I pretty much slept....I tried taking the pills with food and milk and none of that worked either...So I called my Psychiatrist and he said I may have to stay on the liquid that went through the feeding tube...All I can say it EWWWWWW.....But I also don't want to go bonkers like I do when I am off my meds....My other problem is I am so depressed....All I feel like doing is staying in my room and not really bothering with anyone....I screen all my callls so I can pick and choose who I talk to.....I cry at the drop of a dime...I feel like poop...Anyone else feel this way after surgery??? All I can say is I hope it all goes away soon...I've questioned wether I did the right thing by getting this surgery and then I think of the weight loss and say, "yes Helen you've done the right thing"...Well I will post again...Sorry again it has taken so long...Thanks for all of your support...Helen

I wish I could give you a big hug! It is not easy for anyone and to go through it like you are makes it a lot worse. Can your doctor give you something to get you through the depression? From what I understand many get depresssed. I think it is like how many feel after Christmas, no matter how great the day is, there is a let down from the build up. I think I had a slight depression but was on meds to begin with so it wasnt as bad. Of course maybe I should read my profile to find out for sure.
If you ever need to talk please know I am here, we are all here for you. It is so wonderful how close we are on this board.
Congrats on the weight loss, that is a fantastic amount.

Hi Helen,
Sorry to hear that you're feeling down. Do you think it might be part of your bipolar disorder? Did you talk to your psychiatrist about the depression? You might need some adjustment in meds. Maybe your meds are not being absorbed the same way they used to be. So much of the bowel is bypassed that you may not be absorbing the same amount. I am a nurse and I think that it would be reasonable to call your psychiatrist or your surgeon's office.
Just a thought....