I am up...haven't slept and pacing the floors, and reading the boards!
Jill (and everyone) thanks for posting that note for me. I would have thought last night when I went to bed that I would not have been in here checking the boards..
Well I have been up since 3am, its driving me nuts...
Aniticipatory anxiety I suppose. And I would just love a drink of water!! haha! Oh well..
It is my hope that my surgery actually occurs today.
Both of my daughters have been sick with the a stomach vomitting bug in the last couple of days.
I feel fine..(aside from the butterflies in my stomach..and the remains of my last supper
But I do know that I need to tell the nurses and doctors about this...its not just like a cold, but its a STOMACH thing...gosh I hope they decide to do it..
but I am not going to worry about it.
If you see a post on here by me later this morning..I wont be happy! But will be coping!
Otherwise I will be back to post on the otherside!
THanks to all of you for your help, prayers and support!
Nice to see you Jill and Theresa at the support group Friday night!!
Ok its now almost 4:30!Yippee..2 more hours and I can head out!