Whiney post!
Sorry but I have to get this out. Not sure if it is because it is morning or what.
I am tired of snow, tired of coldness, tired of schools having a winter vacation, tired of diapers, tired of soooooo many things that I have no right to be tired of, much less complain about.
What really upsets me is that I still have not broken this platue!! I am starting to feel like I never will and that I will fail this. I found myself going back to my old bad habits. Though for the last 3 days I have done really really Great! You would think this would make me happy and I suppose it does yet I guess till I see that scale move I will not feel like I have accomplished much.
Right now should be such an exciting time for me, I am going to Cali next month, then WaltDisney World in April and after that we have our seasonal campsite at my very favorite campground. So why am I not jumping for joy?
pounds pounds pounds pounds, I am starting to HATE that word.
I swear I have not obsessed over it at all till this week when the platue from hell seems never ending. I know I have to give it some time, but I want instant gratification!!!! And I want it now. (Can you see me jumping up and down screaming that?)
Ok, my rant is over, thank you for your time.

You are so supportive on this board to so many people.
I get a little frustrated with the slowdown in loss that I am experiencing as well... but keep in mind that without the surgery you probably wouldn't have lost anything....
Your body needs a little time to adjust. It's just trying to protect itself from starvation. As long as you don't gain, you should be OK.
You WILL get through your plateau. It will take time. My instant gratification yesterday was getting into a pair of Gap jeans size 38. First time I have been this size since high school.
Hang in there.. everyone here is rooting for you.
And the rest of your whine is because it's February and we're all looking forward to spring! Who doesn't want to get outside?
Though I will say it's been really nice this week!
You'll be ok.. just think how much easier this summer will be now that you're not carrying as much extra weight and you can get some cute summer clothes!
I am going to FL at the end of March for a visit and I'm looking forward to the shock on people's faces. The people I worked with there only knew me as fat. Should be funny to walk right by a few of them.
See you around... *hugs*
How about some cheese with your ........
It's ok to be frustrated, I understand where you are coming from. From your intense effort, you want .....results. It will come....as you know!
Jump for joy because of how far you've come....and where you will eventually be....
Goin' to Cali...that is incredible.
Hi Theresa: Do you have lots of snow where you live? We don't have too much here in Southern Maine AND---the sun has lots and lots of strength now. We will be having quite a few sunny days and this ol' white stuff has to melt - it just has to!! I, too, am getting tired of the cold, though. Spring can't be too far away - think of all your wonderful trips coming up!
I did not realize that after this operation you might experience plateaus. Your body has to take a moment to adjust, I should imagine. It will all straighten out and you'll be losing again soon I am sure! I have had one appointment so far with doctor, dietician and mental health lady with Dr. Cobean's team. Have to attend a support meeting 3/2. Do you imagine I can find a buddy there? I live alone and do not know anyone I can ask to be my buddy. I sure am scared to go through with this operation but it is my only answer and vitally necessary at this point. I have never been the proper weight but am anxious to be so! Keep your chin up - think of California and Florida!!!
Thank you everyone!!! Thanks Dot!
We have plenty of snow but it is melting fast. I know we are not through with the snow yet but the warmer months are fast approaching.
I am sure you will find a buddy at the support group, be sure to talk to the cooridnator about it.
Of course you have us here on site.
We all seem to have bonded and always welcome more to join in.
The process can seem daunting at times but just take it one day at a time, things happen at their own pace and there is not much we can do but hold on for the ride.
I am so happy with my weight loss thus far and know that having "only" 19-24 lbs left to go makes the loss even slower. Much of it was my own fault, the winter blues got the better of me. It feels good to be back on track and I do not plan on falling off so easily again.
A co-worker made me promise not to get on the scale for 1 week and keep up doing the stuff I have in the last 3 days. He seems to think I will see a loss next Wed.
I sure hope so or I am going to kick him in the shin when I meet him next month in Cali.
Thanks for the encouragement, it does help.
OpenRNY 7/15/03

I just want to say that I think you are doing GREAT! You are my goal...I can't wait to be where you are now! So.....to thank you.....i am going to tell you a funny story to put a smile on your face......
Picture it.....
9:00 am, you wake up ON YOUR OWN, no baby crying...this makes you think...oh, she is sleeping late, it is going to be a good day today. So, I go into the living room and grab the paper to take advantage of this time. about 20 minutes later, I hear the little angel start to stir. I put the paper down, make the bed real quick and off to her room to start our day. The door opens and the bright sun is sparkeling off the walls. Her back is to me and I say "oh, good morning!" She turns to me and holds out her arms....beautiful story isn't it.......
schmered all over her arms, tummy and face is.....can you guess....POOP. My jaw just droped. She spread the poop everywhere in her crib, on her blankets, the bars of the crib ALL over her pillow, stuffed animals (think she was tyring to feed them actually!) and my beutiful angel was the poop monster!!!!!
Oh my, I hope that put a smile on your face...I hope you plateu ends soon and you meet that goal that you want. Until them keep doing your best!!!! We are all so proud of you!
OK, Let me get this straight....... We are making Theresa feel better? NOT Theresa making us feel better?.. For a minute there, I thought I was still in the hospital doped up on all those good drugs!! Ha Ha.. Theresa hun, things will look up for you soon. You are so strong willed and happy-go-lucky. This will pass. I do have to admit that it is nice sitting here giving you advice! I thought you were invinsible all this time!! I laugh when I hear you people complain about the snow.. ASK LAUREN AND I ABOUT THE DAMN WHITE STUFF!! We still have plenty of snow on the ground, yes, it is melting but so slow. About like my weight loss. I was so frustrated last week. I am losing weight but ever soooo slowly. Things are looking up again though.
My kids are back in school this week. THANK GOODNESS. I love them three critters but I love them more when they come home from being gone all day. he he.
I have been working on a wls scrapbook and plan to get it to one of the support group meetings. It will probably be when the weather warms up a bit.
Lauren and I are going to a group meeting for people that are three months post op, with Dayna on April 12th, but OF COURSE that isn't a support group meeting day. I soo wish I lived closer to Bangor at times. As much time as I spend there lately, I might as well rent an apartment. LOL.
Anyhow, Theresa, keep the faith girl!! You are such an inspiration to all of us. It doesn't occur to me much that you are one of us and you need that boost once in a while from all of us! This just makes me appreciate you all the more girl!!
Just throwing this out there--is it possible it might be 'that time of the month' soon? I have noticed that I get particularly whiny during that time. I can so relate to your plateau. I have had many of them. I was trying to do the math because when I last saw my surgeon in November he warned me that one was coming soon. I thought he was nuts as I thought I had finally figured things out. Sure enough a couple weeks later I hit the big stall-I'm not sure, but it may have been almost a month. I got so sick of it that I actually stopped getting on the scale regularly. Then one week I got on and 5 days later I had lost somewhere between 7 and 10 pounds!!! Why does this happen? Who the heck knows? I really think it is sometimes some sort of fluid that I retain sometimes
. Whatever!! You are not a failure. I've been watching you blossom and I am proud of you. I'm wondering what you were thinking a year ago? In your wildest dreams did you think that you would be this close to goal (is it 6 months after surgery)? The thing I kept saying to myself is that I certainly didn't get this overweight overnight and getting to normal isn't going to happen overnight. Winter and then spring in Maine can depress anyone. I am so happy I don't have to spend it there anymore
! Please try and cheer up. The wonderful experience of going to California and then WDW is gonna be a blast! I have half a mind to drive on up to Orlando and give you a big old hug-cause you are a sweatheart. Love ya!
Lynda ME/FL

You are not whiney at all!
My goodness--it is easy to get fed up with this long winter and then the teasers from spring--those bright skies with warmer weather and then a blast from old man winter! I am 12 weeks post-op now so I am still in the early throes of "wow" and down 52 pounds. I feel great, energy level is back and down 4 pant sizes and 4 dress sizes and I have 70 more pounds to lose. And, I still have those days when I feel a bit blue--I think living in Maine, it is very normal to feel those down moments. I was born here, so I know the feeling. Hang in there as you have for so many people and tomorrow will be a brighter day!! I am glad I've had some platues--its getting me ready for the really frustrating ones--like when I'm stuck at -98 pounds and go for awhile and praying to get to -100. I have those darn things every 5 to 8 pounds. Oh well, at least I'm not going up 5 to 8 pounds and stopping and going up again--whew!
Enjoy your vacation
things will get better--take your own advice!!!!!

Hi Theresa,
I have also reached a platue
, I haven't lost anything in 3 weeks. My scale shows 1/2 lb down then right back. Oh well, the sap is starting to run in the trees now. Mud season the spring will soon be upon us.
I am sure that once the season changes, our activity rate will change with it, then we will be off the platue and back into the swing of things. I don't worry about the platue because I know the change in season will change the platue.
I check the branches on the trees and I am starting to see the buds just coming up, and I smile
. I know that everything changes with the seasons.
Hugs, Cindy