I am exactly one month post op and have been having terrible heart burn. I am at the point that I am afraid to eat because I don't know what will trigger it. It is very strange because bland foods will trigger it but I could eat oranges all day long with no problem. Any suggestions? I also read the post about chineese food. I had some and ended up with dumping syndrome from stir fry vegetables. I have done some research and a lot of sugar is added at most restaurants. Duck sauce has a ton of sugar in it also. Be careful.
I used to like to eat but I am finding that I just don't like it anymore. I could care less about food. Does anyone else feel this way?
I usually don't get many replies for reasons I don't know but to anyone that replies I thank you in advance.
Mary-Anne Fenner
Hi Mary-Anne...I had the same problem..turned out it was acid reflux. I called my surgeon and he put me on a very small easy to swallow pill called Protonix 40mg once daily. I swear it worked the first day. My advice is to call your doctor asap,,,i was like that for a month and didn't know what it was. Finally i smartened up and called. Good luck and congrats on your new found life.
Mary-Anne-I was having some stomach discomfort shortly after the surgery. My surgeon prescribed nexium for the acid. I took it for a couple months and when I stopped I didn't have a problem anymore. I am starting to care more about food than I did several months ago. Enjoy this time and good luck. Lynda ME/FL
Hi Mary-Anne,
I hear ya on the low replies, I was feeling down about that same thing the other day. It happens for a number of reasons...I don't think I would have replied this time only cause I would have said...I would call the surgeon.
It'll be a while but you will like food a little more again. But as Ron mentioned we had surgery to stop gorging so don't worry if you can't eat much. It'll be that much more weight you will lose.
Have a happy day,

Hi: I will be three months post-op this Thursday. Yes, I've gone through periods when everything tasted terrible. And, then I've had terrible pangs of hunger. I think it is our body adjusting to all the changes. Good suggestions on this site. You might indeed have some heartburn. My acid reflux cleared up after the surgery--so I consider myself very lucky.
Make sure you eat every day--focus on the protein, vitamins, water and get some exercise. I have not tried any fast food at all--any things outside of what I prepare. I have not returned to chinese but have tried a couple of Mexican things that I make at home. Other than that, I am keeping my meals very simple right now. I still have days when I don't care that much about eating--but then again, I have days when I feel like I will faint if I don't have a meal.
The adjustments will continue--stay with it, one day at a time.