10 days post op and taking things 1 day at a time...
Hi everyone. My name is Shannon Durham. I was just introduced to this site from a friend of mine who is still awaiting surgery. I am 10 days post op and I am doing ok physically. My pain is under control for the most part. I miss being able to sit down and eat an entire "normal" meal, but like I said I am just taking it 1 day at a time! The thing I am lacking most is...
I am slowly catching up but only because my wonderful hubby
, bought me a nice recliner with built in back massage! God I love that man!! Well any way I just thought I would introduce myself and tell eveyone that if they ever wanna chat, I am here! I have lots of advice to pre-ops and lots of questions for long term post-ops....
Have a great, happy & safe day!

Shannon, hello! How are you feeling? I am glad to here that you are getting along well. What a great husband you have!!! Could I ask you some questions? Where did you get your surgery done? Did you have the surgery laproscopically or open. I am going in on March 29th and am not sure what to expect post op. I have a 21 month old daughter and am unsure how much/little this is going to affect her. Thanks....continue to feel better and take it easy!
Hi Sam,
I am still feeling pretty good physically. I lack sleep but that will come back I hope! I had my surgery at SMMC in Biddeford, Me. Dr. Georgitis was my surgeon (HE IS THE BEST!!) I did have open surgery. I had a lot of discomfort in the hospital which is expected but when I got home to my hubby and 3 kids (ages 9,11,13) I began to feel better quicker! The love from your child will only help you threw this Sam.... after all just think about being able to teach her to ride a bike and going with her on her first "2 wheeler ride"!! She will see you in pain and see you grouchy but God gave us these emotions to show off not to keep inside. She will be ok and she will be so proud that her mom opted to help herself to improve her life. This is my 10th day after my surgery and I have been out shopping at the mall and grocery shopping as well. Moving will really help. Do you have a supportive family? You will need someone to be there for a day or so to help with reaching and bending and little things we take for grantid now. My best advice is to keep a positive attitude 100% of the time (about the surgery) and belive in yourself. One more bit of advice, try to deal with some of your "food issues" before your surgery because the surgery WILL NOT take away the mental relationship you have for food. That is my biggest hardship right now. But Just take things one day at a time and when you start getting down, look into your daughters eyes and see your future, healthier, happier & fuller!
I am always here to chat and am always willing to answer any questions for you! I am praying for you Sam!

Welcome to the board Shannon. Great to hear you are doing so well. Sleeping at first was difficult for me too. But once I was able to sleep on my side using a pillow to prop my silly belly I got alot more rest. I am about 8 months out so ask away. My profile has a diary of pre/post op happenings...although I have been very naughty and haven't updated since Jan 1st...oops.