just beginning my journey
Hi all,my name is marissa im a single mom of an 8 year old boy,cj.im just now beginning my journey to a better and thinner life .i have to admit i never agreed with this surgery ,thought it was to risky ,that people were just taking the easy way out,but as i looked more into it,i started understanding more about it .my best friend has been thinking about this surgery for about 3 years now ,she has a lot of medical problems and has dealt with her weight all her life .she told me back in november she was having the surgery ,well like i said i didnt agree and i told her that and of coarse we fought about it for a long time
,however i did tell her what ever she decided i would stand behind her 100%.well she just had the surgery on feb. 12, 2004 its a week later and she is doing amazingly well ,she has diabetes and other medical problems,which i thought would prolong her recovery ,but she was home after 4days ,she rested for 2 more and has been up doing everything she did before and has eeven been out shopping .im very proud of her
.now me on the other hand im so afraid of something happening to me and my son will be left without his mom ,that right there is my only concern .but i decided if i drop dead of a heartattack he will be left with out his mom ,so i figure i would take that chance .im going to see my pcp on thursday to talk about the surgery so he can give me a referral ,and i will see what happens from there.im going to a informational meeting on march 10th and i have dates for 3 support groups meetings already .hope everyone who has had surgery is doing well,and everyone who is waiting for surgery dates is do good as well .

Hi Marissa, how are you? Which practice are you going to? I go up to Portland with Dr. Cobean. I know how you feel. I am schedulaed for my surgery for the 29th and I am terrified to leave my 22 month old daughter without her mommy but as you said, when I go from a heart attack it will be just as bad if not worse. I am just praying and keeping my fingers crossed. I hope everything goes well for you. Please let me know if I can be of any help or if you just want to chat. you can always email me. [email protected]
Hello Marissa, all us post ops have been where you are now, wondering about how safe the surgery is all the things that could go wrong etc. If you didn't worry then I would worry. Just do your research. The web is a fountain of info and you can hear both sides of the story. Don't be bashful about asking questions. Like I said, we have been there.
Good luck on your journey to a new life.
Linda Jenkins