old age
:-[ In a few short weeks I will turn another year older. AND I DON'T LIKE IT!!!! But then I consider the alternitive and guess 57 isn't too old. Is it?
This has made an old woman out of me. crotchity, bad tempered, knit picky, and
, uh, hm, I forget. Actually I think its spring fever and I need to see some green grass and leaves.
Lets everyone get on the same wave length and think spring and maybe if we think hard enough
poof it will be spring! Nah that will never work.
I guess we will just have to put up with this weather until it changes.
I hope all losers and soon to be losers are well and happy.
Y'all take care .
Linda \0/

At least now I know I have great things to look forward to...I love being able to blame my poopy attitude on something so age will be the perfect excuse. Crotchity...now there is a cool word...I'll have to use that one, lol.
I wish we could fast forward to summer!!!
Nice to hear from you,
Yup, old people can get away with anything!!! If you are young and misrable to be with then you get called, difficult, rotten, "just like your father" ,but when you get old you are just eccentric!!
I wish we could fast forward too. I want to get outside and to quote Dayna,"walk,walk,walk. But I have a good ole art in the knees and it seems like my knees are sponges that soak up cold and damp! OUCH!!!!!
cya L8er