Hi all...
Hey Casey!
I've been wondering where you've been! I hope you're feeling better. I don't post as much as I should, I apologize.....Man....you're the veteran, the great success...I look forward to your wisdom and insights. Is this "funk" related to what it was a couple months ago? Did you ever get to talk to someone?
We all need some ultraviolet rays, and a little boost in seratonin (or whatever it's called).
I hope your day is better! Things will "lighten" up .......
Hi Lauren,
I have been wondering about you too. Thanks again for the powders...I put them in pudding, not bad not bad. lol
I don't know that it would be directly related...I think it's partly that and some other stuff. I do know that I need some friends...but I have had a pretty colorful past and know that having friends isn't as nice as one would believe. But I also can't complain if I don't try. I didn't end up seeking counsel however I voiced some of the issues at a recent meeting and got a little feed back from the psych lady who was there. It led me to believe I couldn't get much help from therapy, so who knows.
I am thinking about calling Dayna to see what she thinks about maybe a vitamin level check...maybe Vit D is low or something...
Thank you,
Hey, I understand funk. Sometimes I get up and just want to be mad all day. Not angry mad, but annoyed at the whole world mad. My hubby is so amazing; he puts up with it and is very patient with me.
I want you to know I appreciate your effort and your replies on my posts. Thanks for taking the time.
Being in a funk is perfectly normal for us WLS patients. All that free-floating estrogen released from your fat stores can make for some rather intense, PMS-like funkiness. I've only lost 53, and I had to do something about it. My DH was getting rather tired of my GPQ being so high all the time. (GPQ = General ******ess Quotient) I was just really, really crabby a lot of the time.
Hang in there! Soon we'll be able to walk outside on a regular basis and that will help. Sunlight is good for the funks, too.

Hi Lara,
Please don't say only 53 pounds. I honestly said that if I only lost 50 pounds I would be happy...110 just blows my mind.
OH MY GOD that is too funny!!! GPQ is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time.
You're right on the sunshine...I have been making a point of standing in the sunlight when it is actually there...
Thanks for the reply.

HI Casey,
Sorry your feeling bad...I believe it could be winter also...Cause I am also feeling blue
...Feeling a little better eachday but, still not up to par. I will tell you..that you ARE an inspiration to us who have not yet had surgery. I seen your before photos and see you now and its liek WOW..IS THAT GONNA HAPPEN to me. I think you are awesome.. Friendly, Caring, and more then willing to help out
. I do appreciate all the advice and positiveness you give all of us

Hi Casey
Thank you for replying to my posts. I have been pissy as well. Between my tummy healing and the cold I get short tempered quick. Some folks are just dense and can't take a hint even when I tell them I'm cranky. gee, get a clue man.
I think part of our problem is the lack of chocolate, the real sugary kind. I remember years back when I was doing well on a diet and loosing a lot of weight, but I was real cranky.
Hey, we know what it's like sis, we just have to stand our ground and say "Get the heck out of the way"!!