6 month/-100 lb postops: question re: hair
To the post ops who are about 6 months out and over 100 pounds down, I have a question: I have not worried about my hair loss yet but I am really starting to wonder if I will be completely bald before this hair loss slows down. It seems that the clump of hair I lose every morning is less than last month, but for the first time in my life I can see my scalp clearly from the front to the back of my head and I cannot wear my hair in a part. There are some pretty big gaps between hair follicles. I do have a lot of new growth, but when does the fullness start coming back? Assume that I am getting the proper nutrients and supplements. Experiences, anyone? Again, I understand that hair loss is normal. I am wanting to know when it goes back the other direction. Thanks for any insights.
Hi Georgine,
I lost 100lbs by 6 months out putting me at goal. I didn't have any hair loss...haven't yet (I am now 8 months out). Maybe talking to a nutritionist could help with some ideas on vitamins/minerals that could promote hair growth. I also learned from a hair dresser that brushing for a long period of time (reaching the scalp) will stimulate oils that contribute to growth.
Good luck,
Good morning Georgine! I am now 16 months post-op, and lost hair from months 6-9. I already had fine hair, and I was very worried as well. My hair stylist recommended Nioxin shampoo and conditioner. I started using that in my 8th month, and the hair stopped coming out by the 9th. It also has really regenerated growth, and my hair grew back in a little fuller than it was originally!
I still use it now, just because of the way it works with my hair. Good luck to you!

Thanks for your insights. I have been getting a few people telling me that my diet is lacking, but it's really not. I was looking for people who had hair loss (which I have been assured is NORMAL but NOT EVERYONE gets) to tell me their hair came back... Thanks much for your reassurance. I am seeing a lot of new growth and my loss has slowed... so I will get a cute short haircut and hang in there...