Am I changing?
Hi Everyone,
Lately I have been doing things that I never did before, things to do with my appearance. I thought I would be happy with just the weight loss and feeling better but I guess I am not.
Last month I had my hair cut pretty short and had it permed. The other day I bought a semi permanent hair color and used it. Today I had my hair cut again (un heard of for me to go 2 months in a row) AND to top it all off, I had my eyebrows waxed!!!!! "uhoh: What is up with this?
Talk about changes, I am going to California next month, for work, but still, this is not me. In April, if the income tax return is right,
we are taking the older kids to Disney. I have never been this adventurous. Maybe this isnt a big deal to many but it sure is to me. I am usually content to stay within a hour or so of where I live all the time.
Has anyone else gone through ANYTHING like this? I even like buying clothes now. One thing I have not changed about though, I still do not like how I look in pictures.

Hi Theresa,
I think that it is great to do other things to do with your appearance. I can't wait to get to the point that I can cut my hair, etc. And I really can't wait to buy clothes. I always make sure that my kids are dressed great. Time for me.
As for Disney, I think that is a great idea. I took my daughters in 2000, and we had a great time. I moved down there the following year, and then moved back late 2002. I love Disney, and plan on taking the girls again soon. This year we are going to Hershey, PA. NExt year we are taking a cruise
. At least I will be thinner and healthier for that.
Have fun with all the changes that are going on right now. You are worth it.
Take care,

Yup and for the better.
In 2005 the McKusick's from all over the USA are going on a cruise to the Bahamas. I would never have considdered it before, but now...YES, YES, YES!! A new thinner me, a chance to go scuba diving, flirt with the ladies, and have FUN!!
I have to get my hair trimmed soon as well. I probably won't be dying my hair though, and waxing my eye brows is too far in left field for me. So is any kind of piercings or tatoos.
Love & Hugs
another funny from my brother Mac.
Calling In Sick
The perfect Friday excuse!
Employee: "I'm sorry but I can't come in today. My doctor says I
from Anal Glaucoma."
Boss: "Anal Glaucoma? What's that?"
Employee: "I just can't see my ass coming to work!"
It's good you are joining the rest of the world! Sometimes change is a good thing. I have noticed that I too am taking more time for me. I put makeup on every morning-something which I hardly ever did before. Clothes shopping is so much more fun now. I actually get to pick and choose clothes based on how they look on me-not whether I can zip it u*****t! I bet your eyebrows look great. Disney sounds like great fun. When my kids were small we went almost every year. It is a great family vacation. I loved getting away for April vacation-after that long cruel Maine winter. Not taking the little ones? They are twins right? If you need any Disney/Orlando advice feel free to ask the expert. Hmm-the picture thing-I don't think anybody loves how they look in pictures. Lynda ME/FL