Looking for support group in the Augusta/Gardiner area.
I know Dr. Aslam has one, but I wasn't one of his patients. Don't know if that matters or not.
Does anyone know of any other support groups in the area? Or is anyone interested in starting one with me?
I'd like to have a group to compare nutrition notes with, to exercise with and to generally help keep me on the straight and narrow! I need all the help I can get.

Dr Aslams group lets everyone come.
It is a HUGE group. I have only gone once and met some great people, but not a lot of personal issues were discussed. This might not be the normal though.
I go to Bangor but I wonder if there might be one in Waterville, I know there is a surgeon there that does WLS.
Good luck!

Hi Lara,
There is a group @ Central Maine Medical Center. I know one of the regular attendees, Dave Projansky. (He lost 185# and is 4 years out from his surgery). He invited me to their meeting so I assume that they are happy to have anyone attend. Not sure when they meet though. I'll update when I get more info. CMMC is only about 30 to 40 minutes from Hallowell right?
Hope you find support.
I attend a support group every Weds night at the hospital in Augusta. Its sponsored by Augusta Surgical Associates. Most of the people who attend have had lapband surgery. People are either post-op or pre-op or looking at their options and gathering more info. Its from 6-730pm in conf room 5. Come join us. Its very informative and fun. The facilitator is Diane Howard.