Embarassing Girl questions:
Hello ladies, how is everyone out there. Well, a month and half to go and then I will be on the table. Nervous, nervous, nervous.....anyway. I realized tonight that I am going to be getting my period 3 days before my surgery...any suggestions. I am planning on a laproscopic procedure and I am not sure how flexible I will be. Thanks...I am sure that I will be having a ton of questions in the next few weeks.
Ok i have a suggestion..Not sure if it is a good one...BUT, a couple years ago a friend of mine was planning a weekend get away with her Boyfriend and she was scheduled to have her period..WELL, she wanted to postone it for a couple days...and heard about a pill...NOT SURE WHAT IT IS NOW..but, it was to put the period off for a couple days...IT was prescribed by her Dr. IT DID WORK!!! You may want to ask about it.
If you're on the pill I would switch to the Ortho Evra patch, then start a new pack of patches when you're supposed to be on your "off" week (period week). That way you'll skip a period. Ask your doctor - it's OK to do this. The reason I saw switch to the patch is that you will have a hard time with pills for a little bit and you may have complications in the hospital etc. and not be able to take them. If you have a patch on your butt it won't matter.
Sam: Don't take any pills or change anything right before surgery!!!Please!!!---unless you check with the surgeon first. I would call Dr. Toder and tell her your concerns. The reason I mention not to take anything is it could delay your surgery---you don't want that. So, check it out with her first but please do not take anything that could foul up this surgery. I would feel the same--however at 51 and post menopausal--there are no more periods!! Yippee--see getting older will actually be a pleasure!!!
Hi Sam,
I am one week post op now and don't you know, I started my period 2 days preop!! Really the nurses are so good and matter fact about every thing that it was no problem. Actually, I think the stress of surgery shortened my normally 6-7 day flow. I just put on a big pad preop and my undies and the nurses helped me for the first day. No problem after that.
Don't fret too much, I'm a nurse and we know these things happen.
Yeah, I am sure you are right. My poor husband had to deal with all the blood after my c-section and he was such a trooper about it. I read your other post, how come you are in a fun****rtainly understand not having many friends. My whole family is in New Jersey and I don't get along very well with my in laws. you guys are the only friends I have too. We have to support each other!!! Anyway, I hope you are feeling better. Please, Please feel free to email me anytime [email protected] I stay at home with my daughter, so I live on my computer! Talk to you soon.