Guess what!!
My response works. It worked 5 times just today. One little time Sunday morning. Now I feel like one of the gang. I had it pretty good till Sunday. Sunday I had 2 real low blood sugars and today I had 2 ing sessions. I'm normall.
I have lost 20 pounds as per Dr. Cloughs scales. Like many of you have said his weigh out better than Dayna's. All 25 Stitches came out today, yippie!!
Dr. Clough suggests that if my sugars are below 150 that I don't take insulin. I can agree with that. I had a real low last night because I took my insulin. He said I'd have to get my PCP's OKay and my Diatision Bonny Stone's Okay but it looks promising.
Congratulations on your 20lb lose and getting rid of all 25 staples. I'll sure be glad when I can get rid of my staples.
I've had alot of discomfort in the area that they took my gallbladder out of. Other than that I feel pretty good. I had a little spell of the diarrhea today and feeling nauseated but I took the nausea medicine and that cured that feeling. I called Dr. Clough's office and the nurse told me that the diarrhea was part of the surgery.
I'm finding it hard to drink a lot of fluids.
Keep up the good work!!!
Sometimes my life is so busy I don't find time to get fluids in, then I have constipation. Diarrhrea is a part, especcially the light colored stuff as this is the fat.
This is NOT the easy way to get our lives on track. It is our LAST resort.
Keep the chin up and do what you should, you have a new family of support here.
God Bless