flowers for the girls
We should all pitch in and get a bunch / bouket? of flowers for Lynn, Dayna and the Saturday lady. Who's in and who wants to get them? We can reimburse you at the meeting. One bunch on Friday, one the fallowing Wednesday then on Saturday. It's a nice way to tell them we love what they are doing for us.
Don't have me pick the flowers as men are bad at it. You should know by now.
Hi Ron, that sounds like a great idea! I would have no problem picking up at least bunch, if I know when the meetings very busy I forget whether I'm coming or going! I'm in the Bangor area, so it would be very easy for me to do it. Just have to work in with my schedule for classes.
Let me know if you get anymore takers & we can work out the who, when & where.
2/4 Hi Ron Cindy and all!
My computer is limping along until its replacement arrives.
I agree that this is a very nice idea, Ron, and I would be glad to chip in and cover another bunch. In fact, I would even pick them up. (Some of us do pretty well when it comes to picking out flowers!)
Great new pic, Cindy! What an amazingly good job you've done.
How are you doing at home, Ron?
Any word on how Heather is doing?
I'm one month away from surgery. The time is flying!
Take care, all.
I am sorry I have not posted to this thread before but I wasn't sure how to work my reply. Still am not sure.
As much as I would like to pitch in money for a gift for everyone, I really do not have the money. Extra's when you have 4 children is a luxuary. Also, I would be worried that the others from the support group would be offended if we brought in flowers and they were not asked if they wanted to contribute.
Plus........and do not laugh at me on this one. I have a thing about flowers. They are beautiful alive but as soon as they are cut they are as good as dead. I had a flower garden one time and had flowers that had to be cut, it hurt each and everytime I had to cut them because I knew it would not be long before they were no longer beautiful. Yes, odd I know.
I hope I have not offended anyone with this post. I like the idea of a gift, wish I could contribute, but it just is not a good time for me.
You guys have hearts of gold!